Shasta’s Story Round-Up: October 2016

Cougars are getting festive and into the spirit with creative pumpkin carvings. Halloween is just around the corner; how will you be celebrating this faboolous day? Before you go, check out these fang-tastic stories about your fellow Coogs!
One small step for man, one giant leap for UH! Space architect students presented plans for establishing human settlement on Mars to Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the moon;
The Zamora family announced a generous $100,000 contribution to the Center for U.S. and Mexican Law in memory of Dean Stephen Zamora, who retired from the UH Law Center in 2014 and passed away in July 2016;
Congratulations to President Renu Khator, who has been appointed to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Academic Advisory Council! She is one among eight new members;
Alumni reconnected in memory of Charles Beyer, a distinguished alumnus and dedicated supporter of the UH Cullen College of Engineering, at the 14th Annual Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Luncheon. Beyer founded the alumni luncheon in 2002 to bring together alumni and friends in the department;
Start your November off right! UH Conrad N. Hilton College – San Antonio and Alamo Beer Company are partnering to prepare for the upcoming Second Annual Alamo Showdown Cook-Off;
UH Law Center alumna Judy Dougherty (’78) and professors discussed voting rights at the “American Women Fight to Vote!” panel in response to the candidacy of the first women running for president, with relation to women’s suffrage and the 19th Amendment;
Alumnus and Texas Supreme Court Justice Jeffrey V. Brown, along with other state and federal jurists will be participating in the Sondock “Jurist in Residence” program at UH Law Center. The program gives students, faculty, and alumni the chance to meet and learn from the jurists;
UH Law Center students enrolled in the dual degree program in Calgary met former U.S. Ambassador Gordon D. Griffin;
Go science! John Suppe, world-renowned researcher in the field of structural geology and tectonics and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, joined UH College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics to establish and lead the Center for Tectonics and Tomography;
UH Adaptive Athletics is hosting the first Cougar Open Wheelchair Tennis Tournament;
Associate professor and researcher made major contributions to the release of popular software package Open MPI 2.0.0, a software that allows the different components within a high performance computer to communicate with each other;
UH Law Center research professor was recognized by the National Center for State Courts for her work in developing emergency preparedness resources for judges and court administrators;
UH has received $1.45 million grant from the National Science Foundation to support and prepare future STEM teachers;
We offer sincere condolences to the family of John Bear, 17-year chair of the Department of Chemistry and 18-year dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. During his time, the department grew and become one of the university’s leading research departments.
Have a student or alumni story you’d like to see linked on the round-up, or know a Cougar we should profile in one of our weekly interviews? Contact us at To read more great alumni and donor profiles, or to make a gift to UH, visit the University Advancement home page.