Shasta’s Story Round-Up: December 2016
Photo: University of Houston Facebook Page
Students and Shasta started off the holiday season just right by having snow much fun at UH’s 7th Winter Wonderland. Wherever you are this break, we hope you are staying warm and safe. Don’t forget to relax and enjoy this time with your loved ones! But before you go, check out these stories about your fellow Coogs!
It’s crystal clear: Dr. Jeff Rimer’s crystallization research is changing lives! We spoke to him about how an endowed professorship has positively affected his research, career and relationships with students.
UH has named Amr Elnashai, formerly dean of engineering at Penn State, the new vice president for research and technology transfer. President Khator announced the hiring early December and Coogs will welcome him to campus in July 2017!
When the going gets so rough and tough, we never worry cause we got the stuff! Major Applewhite was named head coach of the UH football team. Hunter Yuracheck, VP of Athletics, says that “he was indeed the right man to lead our program.”
Four students from UH Bauer College of Business were named finalists at CoreNet Global Summit, a global real estate competition. The students were among the world’s best, beating 39 other universities from around the globe.
The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) at UH was named number one in the nation among 2,050 chapters.
UH College of Architecture received a $66 million in-kind software grant from Siemens PLM Software. This grant will give students access to technology that is used by companies all around the world, so they will have the opportunity to develop a variety of innovative products.
UH College of Education ranked in the top 1 percent of the nation’s undergraduate programs for preparing students to become elementary school teachers.
The chemical engineering program at UH has been ranked as one of the top 25 places to get an undergrad degree in the field. “Earning a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering at the UH Cullen College of Engineering means you are among the most talented chemical engineers in the U.S.”
Have a student or alumni story you’d like to see linked on the round-up, or know a Cougar we should profile in one of our weekly interviews? Contact us at To read more great alumni and donor profiles, or to make a gift to UH, visit the University Advancement home page.