Houston’s university is standing #HoustonStrong and #CougarStrong after Hurricane Harvey, and students, alumni and community members are stepping up in a major way to support their fellow Houstonians in the aftermath. In fact, two anonymous donors have given $500,000 to the Cougar Emergency Fund, and are challenging the Cougar community to raise $500,000 more. Read our round-up to learn more about how you can help, and how Coogs are making a difference in these difficult times:
Archive for the ‘giving’ Category
Cathy Coers Frank (’80)
Cathy Coers Frank (’80) is a native Houstonian who is almost more involved with UH activities now than when she was a student! In 2006, she received the Distinguished Service Award from the University of Houston Alumni Association, and has served the UH chapter of Chi Omega Sorority for more than 35 years as the Panhellenic advisor and the Chi Omega Alumnae Association as the current Panhellenic delegate and past alumnae president — plus many, many more board positions and involvement in many other UH and Houston-area organizations.
Randal Sitton (’85, M.S.I.E. ’88, Ph.D. ’92)
Dr. Randal Sitton, instructional associate professor at the Cullen College of Engineering, comes from a long line of Cougars. He has been visiting campus since childhood, and has memories of doing his elementary school homework in the reference section of the library while his father attended night classes. He spent more than 20 years working in the field after graduating, but he always knew that he wanted to teach at UH again after retiring.
Cynthia Reibenstein (’75, M.S.W. ’88)
Cynthia Reibenstein (’75, M.S.W. ’88) is a member of the “Here, We Go” Campaign committee for the Graduate College of Social Work, and has also served as an adjunct professor since 1992. A strongly engaged alumna, she shares some of the challenges of her profession and imagines what UH will have accomplished by 2020.
Cynthia Oliver Coleman, P.E. (’71)
Cynthia Oliver Coleman, P.E. (’71) was first in her family to graduate college, and the first Black woman to receive a degree in chemical engineering from the Cullen College of Engineering (CCE). Now, she is passionate about mentoring CCE students as they make their way into their professional lives.
Lisa (’95) and Michael (’97) Sachs
Michael, Lisa and Carlie Sachs Lisa (’95) and Michael (’97) Sachs met at UH, where Lisa attended the College of the Arts and Michael attended the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. Both Lisa and Michael were Frontier Fiesta student leaders. They have stayed involved with their alma mater ever since graduation, and married Read More
Here, We Go!
Have you heard? On January 19, 2017, UH publicly launched the Here, We Go campaign, which will raise $1 billion for the University. In the spirit of the thematic pillars — Fuel, Build, Transform — the Lunar Cougar is undergoing an exciting new transformation.
Shasta’s Story Round-Up: August 2016
The fall semester has officially begun! Which of these student expressions most accurately represents your feelings about that? Get excited for the year to come with these inspiring student and alumni stories: